Souhardh Pranesh Gudur
Bangalore, India
ADAD Summary
Points: 1582
Milestone: White
Deeds done: 131
Pledges fulfilled: 147
Commitments fulfilled: 3
November 14 at 9:15pm
Another day of support to empty plates campaign
November 13 at 11:36pm
I support the movember .. No shave November campaign by leaving a moustache as part of the 15 days ,15 project support.. Movember or no shave November is an awareness program to rise awareness about various cancers men's face and for good health of men
November 12 at 9:51pm
I apologize for not fulfiiling my commitment for two days...though i made lot of people happy , did something good to the world, I couldn't upload it on ADAD as i did not support any project. In next few days , The support will be doubled
November 10 at 9:59pm
Today I support as part of 15 day 15 projects support ... Felt really amazing ..
November 9 at 10:52pm
Another day of support to the empty plate campaign ... Food not wasted is food created
November 9 at 8:56pm
Today i m spreading the mission of ADAD , as part of the 15 day support to many social platforms and projects around the globe.. Here is a small blog about ADAD which i have written as part of today's contribution
November 8 at 10:51pm
Today I support the computer literacy project ...I taught two kids about computers and importance of it in today's world
Kavya Shree  Looking forward to see the good work!!
November 9 at 12:29am
November 8 at 10:48pm
Another day of contribution to the empty plates c campaign..
November 7 at 11:36pm
The Empty plate campaign.... As said in yesterday's post ... It will be supported for whole of 15 days
November 7 at 8:57pm
Taught a kid on doing her homework