Srinidhi sri
Bangalore, India
ADAD Summary
Points: 1020
Milestone: None
Deeds done: 83
Pledges fulfilled: 127
Commitments fulfilled: 3
October 19 at 12:33am
We met a school principal who guided us with sweet words to teach students in better way, her speech was really amazing she manages a small school organization but a wonderful women we had a pleasure to meet such people because of i3 and mentors We are grateful to meet such personalities.
October 19 at 12:30am
She made a terrific speech with 500 students about Health and Hygiene amazed by her. learned a through her. Credits to shobha we wish to do every single project as a team and do it individually and better ourselves with Good results.
October 18 at 7:55pm
Shared a meal to the needy
October 18 at 7:54pm
inspired 25students near my home....
October 18 at 7:50pm
chart which was signed by the students who took an oath To reduce having junk foods
October 18 at 7:39pm
This was my friends inspiring Them............
October 18 at 7:37pm
It was a little school but we enjoyed a lot with them Pleasure with shobha
October 18 at 7:34pm
students were very happy....
October 18 at 7:33pm
Beginning of the Session held by us
October 18 at 7:30pm
Inspired 1000+ students with my friends Created awareness about Health and hygiene and to recognize the inbuilt talent an terrific experience.